and like every mom says, it was an amazing experience! I can't believe how much I love this little man. Being 5 days late, I felt like he was never going to come. Ryan and I were both off work and playing the waiting game, finally after having a nice dinner out with my parents on Saturday, I woke up having contractions but just waited them out, they continued the whole day but were totally barable. My mom and dad came over and my mom told me I was in Labor, I was like "oh ok" . I wanted to stay at home for as long as I could, so the rest of Sunday night and Monday morning were a little bit of a painful blur. Ryan and I stayed up until 3 trying to count my contractions. Finally I was having them about 4 minutes apart and I got nervous Paxon was going to come sooner than later. I wanted to make sure I was at the hospital, so Ryan loaded the car and we were off. With no one else being on the road it was sereal that we were on our way to finally meet our little man. As soon as we got to the hospital the nurse checked me and said, "Your going to have a baby today!" The next 5-6 hours I labored with out the epideral, but when I couldnt bare it anymore I called for the epideral, and I should have done it sooner! It was amazing! After about 20 hours of labor the doctor came in and said that the baby was facing the wrong way and we might have to do a c-section. My whole mind set was, whatever we need to do to get Paxon out safely. But I was upset. The nurses had me do some yoga like exercises hoping that he would turn face down. I broke down a little when my mom and aunt came in to see me. While they were talking to me they were watching the monitor and I was saying how I was feeling so much pressure, they both smiled and said "he's coming Jaym, soon!" As soon as they said that the nurses came in and asked how I was feeling, I said "Honestly, I feel like I'm going to poop!" my nurse said "Those are the magic words!" and after an hour of pushing Mr. Paxon was here! Ryan was honestly the best support I could ever ask for. Because I couldnt eat, he refused to eat, he was by my side the whole time making me and the nurses laugh and actually did the counting while I was pushing. All our our family was there from 7 in the morning until Paxon finally came at 5:35pm. They made themselves at home in the waiting room with food and laughter. There is nothing more special than having a baby.
Paxon's Proud Grandparents
Mema and Poppy
Little Man you are so sweet